GMB Union
GMB Union

GMB Union

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500,000 - 1,000,000
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GMB Union

GMB Union - a trade union representing workers in various industries.
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About the company

The GMB Union is a British trade union that represents workers across a range of industries, including manufacturing, construction, and public services. Founded in 1889 as the Gas Workers and General Labourers' Union, the GMB has a long history of fighting for workers' rights and improving working conditions.Today, the GMB has over 600,000 members and is one of the largest trade unions in the UK. Its members work in a variety of sectors, from healthcare and education to transport and logistics. The union is committed to protecting workers' rights and ensuring that they are treated fairly by their employers.

One of the key ways that the GMB supports its members is by negotiating with employers on their behalf. This can involve bargaining for better pay and benefits, as well as working to improve health and safety standards in the workplace. The union also provides legal support to members who are facing issues such as discrimination or unfair dismissal.In addition to its work on behalf of individual members, the GMB is also involved in broader campaigns to improve working conditions for all workers. For example, the union has been a vocal advocate for the introduction of a living wage, which would ensure that all workers are paid enough to cover their basic needs. It has also campaigned for better protections for workers in the gig economy, who often lack the job security and benefits of traditional employees.

The GMB is a democratic organisation, with members electing representatives to serve on its national executive council. The union also has a strong tradition of grassroots activism, with members organising campaigns and protests at the local level.Overall, the GMB Union plays an important role in protecting the rights and interests of workers in the UK. Its commitment to improving working conditions and fighting for fair treatment for all workers has made it a powerful voice in the labour movement.

22 Stephenson Way, London, NW1 2, United Kingdom
GMB Union

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