National Education Union
National Education Union

National Education Union

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250,000 - 500,000
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National Education Union

The National Education Union is a UK-based trade union for teachers and education professionals.
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About the company

The National Education Union (NEU) is a trade union in the United Kingdom that represents teachers and other education professionals. It was formed in 2017 through the merger of the National Union of Teachers (NUT) and the Association of Teachers and Lecturers (ATL).The NEU has over 450,000 members, making it the largest education union in Europe. Its members work in all sectors of education, including early years, primary, secondary, and further education.

The union also represents support staff, such as teaching assistants and school administrators.The NEU's main aim is to improve the working conditions and pay of its members, as well as to promote high-quality education for all students. It campaigns on a range of issues, including funding cuts, workload, and teacher recruitment and retention.One of the NEU's key campaigns is against the government's austerity measures, which have led to significant cuts in education funding. The union argues that these cuts have had a detrimental impact on schools and students, leading to larger class sizes, fewer resources, and a reduction in support staff.

The NEU also campaigns for fair pay for teachers and support staff. It argues that teachers' salaries have not kept pace with inflation, and that many support staff are paid poverty wages. The union has called for a significant increase in funding for education, to ensure that all staff are paid a fair wage.In addition to its campaigning work, the NEU provides a range of services to its members. These include legal advice, professional development opportunities, and support for members who are experiencing workplace issues.

The National Education Union plays a vital role in representing the interests of teachers and other education professionals in the UK. Its campaigning work has helped to raise awareness of the challenges facing the education sector, and it continues to fight for better working conditions and pay for its members.

Hamilton House Mabledon Place, London, WC1H 9BD, United Kingdom
National Education Union

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